After you have created an Identity Manager environment, you can access it by typing a URL in a browser.
Note: Enable Javascript in the browser that you use to access the Management Console.
The format of the URL depends on how you configured the environment and the type of task that you want to access.
Defines the fully qualified domain name of the server where CA Identity Manager is installed—for example,
Defines the environment’s alias, for example, employees.
Log into the Identity Manager Environment with a privileged administrator account, such as the System Manager account that you created for the Identity Manager Environment.
Note: All Identity Manager tasks are protected unless you configure public tasks.
Defines the fully qualified domain name of the server where CA Identity Manager is installed, for example,
Defines the alias for public tasks, for example, self-service.
Defines the tag for the task to invoke.
You specify the task tag when you configure a task in the User Console.
The task tags for the default self-registration and forgotten password reset tasks are SelfRegistration and ForgottenPasswordReset.
Note: For more information, see the Administration Guide.
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