Note: To configure incorrect password settings, Identity Manager must integrate with SiteMinder. See the Implementation Guide for more information.
In the Incorrect Password settings, you can specify how many failed logins are allowed before a user account is disabled. Additionally, you can specify how long the account is disabled before a user can attempt to log in again.
Note: This section applies only if the Track Failed Logins check box is enabled.
The Incorrect Password section contains the following fields:
Determines the number of consecutive failed log in attempts a user can make before the user account is disabled. Limiting the number of unsuccessful attempts protects against programs designed to access a resource by repeatedly trying passwords until the correct one is found. If a user fails to login correctly after the specified number of attempts, the user’s account is disabled. An administrator must re-enable the account.
Determines the length of time (in minutes) that a user must wait before he or she is allowed another login attempt or their account is re-enabled (see below). If the user enters another incorrect password, Identity Manager disables the account again. The user must wait the specified amount of time before trying again.
If this radio button is selected, when a user enters an incorrect password, they are allowed one additional login attempt after the specified number of minutes.
If this radio button is selected, when a user account is disabled due to incorrect passwords, their account is re-enabled after the specified number of minutes.
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