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Endpoint Class Dialog

The Endpoint Class dialog lets you create new attributes to map, rather than selecting discovered attributes in the attribute mapping table. You can also load a set of predefined attributes from a dictionary into the attribute mapping table.

This dialog contains the following fields:


Defines the name of the class you are mapping.

Limits: Must begin with a letter.


Describes the class you are mapping.

Connector Map To

Specifies which name to map an object class (including the connector itself) or attribute to in connector-speak. For a dynamic connector, this attribute specifies the name of the native system item to map the attribute to. For example, a JDBC-based connector would probably map an object class to the name of a database table, and each property within it to the name of one of its columns.

Note: If you are mapping an Endpoint class, set this field to connector as the an Endpoint class is not mapped to a native object.


If unchecked, marks this class as mapped only for the purpose of establishing associations. As a result, Connector Xpress only maps its name and type. Instances of an unmanaged class can be listed and associated with other objects, but cannot be created, edited or deleted.

For compound classes, Connector Xpress selects this field by default, and cannot be cleared.

Add Dictionary Attribute

Loads a set of predefined custom operational attributes from a dictionary and displays the attributes in the mapping tree.

Note: This field is available when you specify that you want to load operational attributes from a dictionary.

Extended Properties

Displays an extended set of metadata properties. These fields are displayed when you select the Show extended set of metadata properties on the Connector Xpress Preferences dialog.

Note: For more information, see Extended Metadata Properties.