The Edit Source dialog lets you specify the name and connection details for your data source. For JDBC data sources, this dialog lets you construct an appropriate JDBC URL for the database you select. For JNDI data sources, the dialog lets you specify the details of an LDAP connection.
Note: The fields in this dialog vary, depending on the type of data source selected.
This dialog contains the following fields:
Specifies the name of the data source.
Note: We recommend that you chose a name that clearly describes what the data source is for.
Specifies the host name of the server you want to access.
(Informix Dynamic Server) Specifies the name of the Informix server.
(JDBC only) Specifies the type of database connection you want to make:
(JDBC only) Specifies the username the connector uses to log on to the target database endpoint.
Oracle: System
Microsoft SQL Server: sa
DB2: db2admin
Ingres: Ingres
(JDBC and MS SQL Server only) Specifies that MSSQL Native Authentication on Windows is activated. The following is added to the JDBC URL used for the connection:
(JDBC only) Specifies the hostname of the database server.
(JDBC and Oracle only) Specifies the Oracle SID.
Specifies the port number the connector uses for communication with the endpoint.
JNDI: 389
Oracle: 1521
Microsoft SQL Server: 1433
DB2: 6789
Informix Dynamic Server: 9088
MySQL: 3306
(JDBC only) Defines the database name (most vendors including MS SQL) or its SID (Oracle).
Microsoft SQL Server: master
Oracle SID: ORCL
(JDBC only) Defines the JDBC URL. Connector Xpress automatically forms the URL as you complete the previous fields.
Note: To edit this field, select the Edit check box.
(JNDI only) Defines the distinguished name of the user used to bind to the directory endpoint.
(JNDI only) Specifies that no bind DN is used and instead, an anonymous bind to the directory endpoint is used.
Specifies that Connector Xpress uses TLS connections between Connector Xpress and the endpoint.
(JNDI only) Defines the top level of the DIT (Directory Information Tree) you want to manage within the directory endpoint.
(JDBC only) Lets you edit the JDBC URL field.
Attempts to connect to the specified directory or database using the information provided.
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