The Participant Resolver API contains the following components. The list includes the core object EventROContext and a description of how it is used with this API:
The base class that all participant resolvers implement. Contains base implementation methods for startup and shutdown operations. Also returns a Vector of workflow activity participants to CA Identity Manager.
CA Identity Manager passes ParticipantResolverContext information into the base class. CA Identity Manager also passes in the name of the workflow approval task, and a hashtable of properties defined in the workflow engine’s user interface (for example, in the User Data tab of the WorkPoint Activity Properties dialog). This information includes the following:
Implements LifeCycle and Logger.
Interface containing information about the current task—for example, the task name, the administrator who is performing the task, and the organization where the subject of the task is located.
The ParticipantResolverContext interface also provides access to logging methods and other CA Identity Manager services, including managed object retrieval from the data store.
CA Identity Manager passes ParticipantResolverContext into every call it makes to ParticipantResolverAdapter.
Extends EventROContext.
Provides read/write access to the managed objects in CA Identity Manager events. This interface is part of the core API functional model.
Extends IMContext.
The previous components are in the package com.netegrity.imapi.
Note: In IdentityMinder v6.0, the objects ParticipantResolverAdapter and ParticipantResolverContext replaced the obsolete objects OrgResolverAdapter and OrgResolverContext. Custom resolvers that use these obsolete objects are no longer supported.
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