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Disable Automatic Task Cancellation

In the User Console, when a user selects a new task category tab, CA Identity Manager cancels the active task in the task pane. If the user has made changes to the active task, a message is displayed asking the user to confirm the cancellation. For example, if a user makes changes to information using the Modify User task, and then attempts to access the Home tab before submitting the Modify User changes, CA Identity Manager informs the user that the task will be cancelled and prompts the user for confirmation.

You can configure CA Identity Manager to allow administrators to select a new task category tab without cancelling the active task or displaying a confirmation message. In this case, selecting the new category tab displays the menu of tasks for that category in the left navigation pane, but leaves the active task in the task pane. When the user selects a new task, the active task is cancelled without notification.

To change the default behavior so that CA Identity Manager does not cancel the task before switching to a new tab, add a user-defined property in the Management Console.

To change the default behavior

  1. Open the Management Console.
  2. Select Environments, and then select the environment that you want to modify.

    The Environment Properties page opens.

  3. Select Advanced Settings, Miscellaneous.
  4. Enter the following values and click Add:
  5. Click Save.
  6. Restart the environment.