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Component Test Considerations

We recommend that component tests (for example, JMeter or equivalent software) grow in strict tandem with the functionality of the connector. A useful maxim is that any connector functionality not covered by automated component tests cannot be considered to exist. Even if manual testing proves the connector works today, this may not be adequate when the connector is modified in the future. Without the support of component tests with good coverage, there can be no confidence future changes are safe. Consider the following when designing component tests:

  1. Is coverage of component tests adequate?
  2. Are strict response assertions being used to ensure correct behavior (for example, search after modify to ensure correct change)?
  3. Are basic error cases tested (for example, modify, search with base, delete, modifyrn on nonexistent object, adding an existing object)?
  4. If the connector requires multiple flavors of connection, is there enough coverage of different supported connection schemes?