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Connector Coding Considerations

Consider the following when assessing the general coding of the connector's logic:

  1. Is the coding and configuration of the connection pool correct?
  2. Is the streaming of search results supported? streaming always / threshold between streaming and not / no. If streaming is supported:
  3. Has maximum use been made of JCS framework services and existing connector implementations, or both?
  4. Have Validator and Converter plug-Ins been used to minimize custom coding?
  5. To what degree is the conversion LDAP search filters to native filters supported?
  6. Are complete one-level and subtree search semantics supported so that clients other than the Provisioning Manager can use them?
  7. Are all attributes that can be returned from an object scope search also supported for one-level and subtree cases?

    Note: This approach is highly recommended.

  8. How has exception handling been implemented?
  9. Are the remaining TODOs small in number and minor in consequence?
  10. Has optimal caching of information during activate() been implemented to improve performance, where applicable?
  11. Does the connector depend on any objects with specialized lifecycles? For example, connector sibling objects, objects which clients poll and change asynchronously and such.