Previous Topic: SQL Query Schemes

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How to Define Custom Query Schemes

Query schemes are defined in SiteMinderQuery elements in the directory configuration file. A SiteMinderQuery element resembles the following:

<SiteMinderQuery name="SetUserProperty" query="update tblUsers set %s = &apos;%s&apos; where loginid = &apos;%s&apos;" />

Note: In the sample query, &apos; is the XML syntax for the single quote (’).

The SiteMinderQuery element only applies when CA Identity Manager integrates with SiteMinder.

The query scheme parameters are as follows:


Specifies the redefined name of a SiteMinder query scheme.

Do not modify this value.


Specifies the SQL statement or stored procedure to execute. The valid values are as follows:

Note: These parameters are required for the SiteMinderQuery element.

Before you customize query schemes, you should do the following: