The Lotus Notes/Domino Default Policy, provided with the Lotus Notes/Domino Connector, gives a user the minimum security level needed to access an endpoint. You can use this account template as a model to create new account templates.
CA Identity Manager lets you manage provisioning roles and account templates from the Roles task view. You can use the Role property sheet to manage your provisioning roles and the Lotus Notes/Domino Account Template property sheet to manage your account templates. For example, with Lotus Notes/Domino you give a person access to the Lotus Notes/Domino server by registering the person using the Lotus Notes Domino Client. When registering a user, the connector creates a Person document in the Public Address Book (PAB), a user ID file, and a server‑based mail file that defines the types of mail the user can receive. (The PAB is also called the Domino Endpoint.)
Similarly, an Internet user is defined as someone who is required to provide a password when accessing a Lotus Notes/Domino server or someone who uses client authentication with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). In addition, this user uses either no mail or Internet mail, in which case a user ID and mail file are not necessary. An Internet user can by added by the connector creating a Person document in the Public Address Book (PAB). The document contains information about the user's name and Internet password.
In CA Identity Manager, you register both of these users by dragging them onto a provisioning role that has a Lotus Notes/Domino account template defined and a Lotus Notes/Domino endpoint associated with the account template.
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