Previous Topic: Request a Server Certificate from the CA

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Request a Server Certificate for Your System

To request a server certificate for your OS/400 system, follow this procedure:

From a Certificate Authority (CA)

  1. Install and configure Microsoft Certificate Services on your Windows 2000 server.
  2. Point your browser to http://computer-name/certsrv.

    where computer-name is the name of the computer for which you are generating the certificate. The Microsoft Certificate Services Wizard appears.

  3. Select Request a certificate, and click Next.
  4. Select Advanced request, and click Next.
  5. Select Submit a certificate request using a base64 encoded PKCS #10 file or a renewal request using a base64 encoded PKCS #7 file, and click Next.
  6. Open the certreq.txt file with Notepad and cut its contents.
  7. Paste the contents of certreq.txt in the Saved Request box, and click Submit.
  8. Select Base 64 Encoded, and click the Download CA Certificate.
  9. Save the certificate to your hard drive.

    Note: Remember the location where you save the certificate.