Previous Topic: Import the Certificate Authority

Next Topic: Request a Server Certificate for Your System

Request a Server Certificate from the CA

After importing the Certificate Authority, you must now request a server certificate.

From the CA

  1. Select the Create Certificate option.

    The Create Certificate window appears.

  2. Select the Server or client certificate radio button and then click Continue.
  3. Select the Internet Certificate Authority radio button, for example VeriSign, and then click Continue.
  4. Enter at least the following information and then click Continue:
    Key size

    1024 bits

    Certificate Label

    The name of your certificate

    Common Name

    The name of your server

    Organization Name

    The name of your organization

    State or province

    The name of your state or province


    The name of your country

  5. Copy the generated lines (including the BEGIN and END lines) into a file and then save that file on your OS/400 system.