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Install the OpenVMS Agent From an OpenVMS System

To install the OpenVMS agent from an OpenVMS system, follow this procedure.

Using the DCL MOUNT command

  1. Mount the CD:
    $ MOUNT/OVER=ID dev

    Specifies the CD-ROM drive where the CD is mounted.

    Example: $ MOUNT/OVER=ID DKA400

  2. Ensure that the CD is accessible:
    $ SHOW DEVICE dev

    Specifies the CD-ROM drive where the CD is mounted.

    Example: $ SHOW DEVICE DKA400

    If the CD is properly mounted, the volume label appears as ETRADMWIN.

  3. Point to the CD:
    $ SET DEF dev:[OPENVMS]

    Specifies the CD-ROM drive where the CD is mounted.

    Example: $ SET DEF DKA400[OPENVMS]

  4. Begin the installation program.
  5. Dismount the CD before removing it from the CD-ROM:
    $ DISMOUNT dev

    Specifies the CD-ROM drive where the CD is mounted.

    Example: $ DISMOUNT DKA400