Contains information about the event generated by the current task, such as event name and approval status. This information is called context information for the event.
The _eventContextInformation object is created from the ExposedEventContextInformation class in package com.netegrity.imapi.
This object is available for email messages based on Approved, Pending, and Rejected templates. For information about these templates, see Email Templates.
Methods: All the following methods return a String.
Method |
Description |
getAdminName() |
Returns the name of the person who submitted the task that generated the event. Deprecated in CA Identity Manager 5.6. Use one of the following inherited methods:
getApprovalStatus() |
Returns the approval status of the event. One of these values: APPROVAL_STATUS_APPROVED |
getApprovalTime() |
Returns the time the event was approved. |
getEventName() |
Returns the name of the event. For a list of event names, see Identity Manager Events. |
getOrgName() |
Returns the friendly name of the organization where the task is being executed. Deprecated in CA Identity Manager 5.6. Use the inherited method getObjectOrganizationFriendlyName(). |
getPassword() |
If the primary objects is type USER, returns the user’s password. |
getPrimaryObjectTypeName() |
Returns the type of primary object. Primary object types returned: ACCESSROLE |
getPrimaryObjectName() |
Returns the name of the primary object affected by the event. A primary object is the object directly affected by the event. A secondary object is the object that the primary object is bound to, if any. For example:
With a primary object of type USER, getPrimaryObjectName() might return John Jones. |
getSecondaryObjectTypeName() |
If a secondary object was affected by the event, returns the object type. Secondary object types returned: ACCESSROLE |
getSecondaryObjectName() |
If a secondary object was affected by the event, returns the object name. See getPrimaryObjectName() for information about primary and secondary objects. With a secondary object of type ORGANIZATION, the method getSecondaryObjectName() might return HR. |
Note: The methods in _eventContextInformation are provided through the interface ExposedEventContextInformation. Since ExposedEventContextInformation inherits methods in the core CA Identity Manager API, _eventContextInformation can also call these methods from an email template, along with the methods in the above table. For more information about these inherited methods, see Additional Methods.
Example--Email notification about a Pending event:
<% _cc = "" ; _bcc = ""; _subject = _eventContextInformation.getEventName() + " Approval Request"; %> <!--- Start of Body ---> <html> <body text="Navy"> The following item has been added to your work list for approval: <br><br><br> Event: <b><%=_eventContextInformation.getEventName()%></b> <br> <%=_eventContextInformation.getPrimaryObjectTypeName()%>: <b><%=_eventContextInformation.getPrimaryObjectName()%></b><br> In <%=_eventContextInformation.getSecondaryObjectTypeName()%>: <b><%=_eventContextInformation.getSecondaryObjectName()%></b><br> </body> </html>
Possible email body:
From: [] To: Subject: CreateUserEvent Approval Request The following item has been added to your work list for approval: Event: CreateUserEvent USER: Richard Ferrigamo In ORGANIZATION: Mortgages & Loans
Note: The value of the From field is derived from the file. To change the value, edit the following file:
where <iam_im.ear> is the installed location of CA Identity Manager in the application server domain--for example:
For WebLogic:
For JBoss:
<Identity Manager_home>\jboss-3.2.2\server\default\deploy\iam_im.ear
For WebSphere:
<im_admin_tools_dir >\WebSphere-ear\iam_im.ear
To add additional information about the user affected by the event to the email in the previous example, add text that resembles the following:
<% user = _eventContextInformation.getEvent().getUser(); %> <b>User information:</b><br> Last Name: <b><%=user.getAttribute("%LAST_NAME%")%></b><br> First Name: <b><%=user.getAttribute("%FIRST_NAME%")%></b><br> Full Name: <b><%=user.getAttribute("%FULL_NAME%")%></b><br> Email: <b><%=user.getAttribute("%EMAIL%")%></b><br> Organization Membership: <b><%=user.getAttribute("%ORG_MEMBERSHIP%")%></b><br>
Possible email body:
From: [] To: Subject: CreateUserEvent Approval Request The following item has been added to your work list for approval: Event: CreateUserEvent USER: Richard Ferrigamo In ORGANIZATION: Mortgages & Loans User information: Last Name: Ferrigamo First Name: Richard Full Name: Richard Ferrigamo Email: Organization Membership: Mortgages & Loans
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