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Email Templates

Email notifications are generated from email templates. CA Identity Manager provides default email templates that you can use as installed, or that you can use to create your own email templates.

Each email template contains the following:

The default email templates are located in an emailTemplates directory where the Identity Manager administrative tools are installed. The default installation location for the administrative tools is:

The emailTemplates directory contains five folders. Each folder is associated with a task or event state:




defaultEvent.tmpl--Informs recipients that an event has been approved


  • CertificationNonCertifiedActionCompletedNotification.tmpl--Informs the manager that a non-compliance action has been applied to an employee.
  • CertificationNonCertifiedActionPendingNotification.tmpl--Informs the manager that a non-compliance action will be applied to an employee.
  • CertificationRequiredFinalNotification.tmpl--Final reminder to a manager that the Certify User task must be completed for an employee.
  • CertificationRequiredNotification.tmpl--Informs the manager that a certification process has begun for an employee. The manager must complete a Certify User task for this employee.
  • CertificationRequiredReminderNotification.tmpl--Reminds the manager that the Certify User task must be completed for an employee.
  • Certify Employee.tmpl--Informs an administrator that the certification process for an employee is complete.
  • CreateProvisioningUserNotificationEvent.tmpl--Sends a temporary password to a user when that user’s account is created in the provisioning directory.
  • defaultTask.tmpl--Informs recipients that Identity Manager has completed a task.
  • ForgottenPassword.tmpl--Sends a temporary password to users who have used the forgotten password feature.
  • ForgottenUserID.tmpl--Sends a user ID to users who have used the forgotten user ID feature.
  • Self Registration.tmpl--Informs a user that a self-registration task has completed successfully.


  • AssignProvisioningRoleEvent.tmpl--Informs recipients that a request to add a user to a provisioning role failed
  • DefaultEvent.tmpl--Informs recipients that an event failed
  • DefaultTask.tmpl--Informs recipients that an Identity Manager task failed


  • defaultEvent.tmpl--Informs approvers that a work list item requires attention
  • ModifyUserEvent.tmpl--Same as the default template, but includes methods for retrieving the attributes of the User managed object


defaultEvent.tmpl--Informs recipients that an event has been rejected

Use the Identity Manager templates and template directory structure that are installed in the <im_admin_tools_dir>\Identity Manager\tools\
emailTemplates directory as a base for creating custom email templates.

More information:

Email Template Deployment

Create Email Templates