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Use DeletePending

To designate an account as DeletePending, you set two endpoint attributes:


controls what action the Provisioning Server performs when accounts on an endpoint are deleted. The values are:

0--Enable DeletePending to suspend an account and mark it for later deletion.

1--Disable DeletePending and physically delete the account from the managed endpoint. This is the default value.

2--Enable an alternate delete behavior to remove an account from the Provisioning Server but leave the account unchanged on the managed endpoint.


controls whether or not an account marked for DeletePending can be deleted through the Forced Delete operation. Use these values:

0--Disable ForcedDelete on DeletePending accounts. This is the default.

1--Enable ForcedDelete on DeletePending accounts.

To track accounts that have been suspended or are in a DeletePending state, use these attributes:

Note: These attributes are only set when an account is suspended using the Provisioning Server. If an account is acted upon by the native endpoint type tools, these attribute values will be stale. If you are taking action based on these attributes, use eTSuspended to confirm whether an account is actually suspended.