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Common Error Messages

The following are some common error messages associated with etautil:

Unknown error nnn opening Common Object Repository

This message appears when the authentication to the Provisioning Server fails. If the nnn value in the message is:

102, the user/password is wrong (-u/-p).

96, the domain is wrong (-d).

End of file reached while expecting an operator

Etautil cannot parse the control statements correctly. This message appears when the grammatical syntax is not respected.

Object 'XXXX' operation failed: DB operation failed: Target DN not found.

The target object cannot be reached. This message appears when the base dn is not correct (wrong value for the components of the dn).

Object 'XXXX' operation failed: No server plug-in found for operation

The Provisioning Server is not able to find the connector server corresponding to XXXX. This message appears when XXXX is not correct.

Class 'classname' is not a valid class name

The LDAP name or user-friendly name class name is not defined in the corresponding endpoint type.