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Create the Primary Resources

To create the JMS resources and the service integration bus, run a JACL script located in the WebSphere-tools folder. Based on your situation, use the single node or cluster procedure that follows.

To create the primary resources for a single node

  1. Open a command line and move to the following location:
  2. Run the imssetup.jacl as follows:
    wsadmin -f websphere_tools/imssetup.jacl myNodeName myServerName
  3. To validate the resources were created, review the resource settings from the Webphere Administrative Console. Specifically:
    1. Check under Service Integration, Buses.
    2. Check under Resources, JMS for the following items:
      • Queue connection factories
      • Topic connection factories
      • Queues
      • Topics
      • Activation specifications

      Each CA Identity Manager resource begins with an iam prefix.

To create the primary resources for a cluster

  1. Copy the CreateCoreGroupPolicy.jacl from WAS_ROOT/bin to the Deployment Manager profile/bin folder.
  2. Edit the for the following variables:
  3. Open a command line and move to the following location:
  4. Run the imsSetupCluster.jacl as follows:

    wsadmin -f websphere_tools/imsSetupCluster.jacl NodeName ClusterMemberName ClusterName SchemaName

    Note: SchemaName parameter is a string passed to imsSetupCluster.jacl to specify the schema name for the messaging engine associated with each cluster member. This string can be changed later.

  5. To validate the resources were created, review the resource settings from the Webphere Administrative Console. Specifically:
    1. Check under Service Integration, Buses.
    2. Check under Resources, JMS for the following items:
      • Queue connection factories
      • Topic connection factories
      • Queues
      • Topics
      • Activation specifications

      Each CA Identity Manager resource begins with an iam prefix.