Installation Guide › WebSphere Version › Manual EAR Deployment › Create the Primary Resources
Create the Primary Resources
To create the JMS resources and the service integration bus, run a JACL script located in the WebSphere-tools folder. Based on your situation, use the single node or cluster procedure that follows.
To create the primary resources for a single node
- Open a command line and move to the following location:
- Run the imssetup.jacl as follows:
wsadmin -f websphere_tools/imssetup.jacl myNodeName myServerName
- To validate the resources were created, review the resource settings from the Webphere Administrative Console. Specifically:
- Check under Service Integration, Buses.
- Check under Resources, JMS for the following items:
- Queue connection factories
- Topic connection factories
- Queues
- Topics
- Activation specifications
Each CA Identity Manager resource begins with an iam prefix.
To create the primary resources for a cluster
- Copy the CreateCoreGroupPolicy.jacl from WAS_ROOT/bin to the Deployment Manager profile/bin folder.
- Edit the for the following variables:
- $WAS_CLUSTER$ - The cluster name. The entire string that contains this variable corresponds to the messaging engine name.
- $WAS_NODE$ - The node where the cluster member is created; it can be different from Deployment Manager Node name.
- $WAS_SERVER$ - The name of the cluster member.
- Open a command line and move to the following location:
- Run the imsSetupCluster.jacl as follows:
wsadmin -f websphere_tools/imsSetupCluster.jacl NodeName ClusterMemberName ClusterName SchemaName
Note: SchemaName parameter is a string passed to imsSetupCluster.jacl to specify the schema name for the messaging engine associated with each cluster member. This string can be changed later.
- To validate the resources were created, review the resource settings from the Webphere Administrative Console. Specifically:
- Check under Service Integration, Buses.
- Check under Resources, JMS for the following items:
- Queue connection factories
- Topic connection factories
- Queues
- Topics
- Activation specifications
Each CA Identity Manager resource begins with an iam prefix.