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RegisterOSImage--Registering OS images

Valid on Windows

The Image Prepare System command registerOSImage provides the following functionality:

Note: Though RegisterOSImage can be started more than once on the same IPS, it does not allow the registration of the same OS Image to different domain managers concurrently.

The command has the following format:

RegisterOSImage -s <manager> -i <imagename> | -w <directory> [-b] [-l] [-t] [-e] [-n <name>]
[-v <version>] [-c <comment>] [-u <user> -p <password> -d <domain>]



Specifies the name of the DSM-Manager to register the OS image


Specifies the name of OS image directory (see CreateOSImage)


Register from directory including the exported OS-SD package


Register only parameter definitions of the OS image


Register only the OS image in the Software Package library. You can register an OS image without specifying the -b or -l option. In this case, the image's parameter definitions are registered before the OS image is registered in the SD software library. If the SD registration fails or is aborted, the image's parameter registration will still be in effect. You just need to specify the -l option to register the image again.


Only test the OS image parameter description


Registers an OS image update package. The default SD package name is extended with –upgrade.


Specifies the SD product name of the OS image in the Software Library

Default: <imagename>


Specifies the SD product version of the OS image

Default: 12.0/0


Specifies the comment that appears in the SD product

Default: BsmOsImg <name>


Specifies the remote DSM-Manager user


Specifies the password of the user


Specifies the remote DSM-Manager domain, for example,
