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TimeZone Parameter Truncates Values


When I am using an OS image, for example, a Vista image, I noticed that the OS parameter TimeZone is truncating values.


This happens if the Timezone parameter contains blank values.

For a Vista image, change the setting of the TimeZone parameter to "\"W. Europe Standard Time\"" or "\"W. Europe Standard Time\" UK time"

Example: Modify OSIM install parameter TimeZone

This example shows how to change the parameter TimeZone for a Vista image.

cadsmcmd targetcomputer action=modifyInstallParameter 
name=computer name
paramname=TimeZone paramvalue="\"W. Europe Standard Time\""

Note: If the parameter is a map list or extended map list, use the format "<key> <comment>". The key and the comment are separated by a blank, and the comment is optional. And if the key contains blanks, enclose it in quotes.