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Windows 2003 (DOS-boot image Setup) needs Additional Disk Driver on Some RAID Systems


On some RAID systems the Windows 2003 textmode setup cannot access the hard-disk of a RAID system. This is because Windows 2003 does not provide the correct disk drivers.


Add the RAID driver to your OSIM-OS image

  1. Create a Windows 2003 OS-image with the CreateOSImage tool.
    CreateOSImage -x shows where the OS-image is stored.
  2. Create a new ..\<imagename>\i386\$oem$\Textmode folder in your Windows 2003 OS-image.
  3. Copy the RAID driver files from your hardware vendor to this folder.

    The driver files are normally <driver>.sys, <driver>.dll, <driver>.inf, <driver>.cat, Txtsetup.oem.

  4. Add the driver to ..\<imagename>\i386\$oem$\c\oeminst\driver too.
  5. Open the auto answer file <imagename>,inf and insert a new section containing the file names from the “Textmode” folder:
  6. Insert a new section with the name of the device:

    “Name of the device“=“OEM“

Note: Information about the device name can be obtained from the Txtsetup.oem file, which is provided by the hardware vendor.