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Using the DSM Explorer for OSIM Tasks

The Image Prepare System (IPS) GUI substantially facilitates completing the OSIM tasks with wizards, guiding you through the following processes:

The IPS GUI is part of the DSM Explorer. In the DSM Explorer you manage the Boot and OS Image Library, both on the local system and on the boot servers.

Boot and OS Image Library
Boot Images

Boot images registered in the domain

OS Images

OS images registered in the domain

Image Prepare System

Create, customize, and register boot and OS images

For images which are available as CA ITCM software package, browse the Software Package Library of the DSM Explorer.

The following sub-sections are available in section Image Prepare System:

Local Boot Images

All boot images created on the local Image Prepare System

Local OS Images

All OS images created on the local Image Prepare System


Wizards to create and register boot an OS images

Boot and OS Image Staging Library

The list of all boot images on boot servers is shown in the Scalability Section. For each scalability server which also acts as a boot server there is a folder Boot and OS Image Staging Library with subsections Boot Images and OS Images.

OS Installations

Shows a list of all the OS installations of the PXE computers connected to a boot server.

New PXE enabled computers introduced to the boot server's network are automatically added to the list.