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Credentials Needed for Registerosimage and Registerbtimages


Cannot launch the commands RegisterOSImage and RegisterBtImages.


RegisterOSImage and RegisterBtImages need credentials to log into the domain manager. The default is your login user. If this user does not have the rights to register OS boot images, please use the -u <user> -p <password> -d <domain> parameters.

If you are not sure whether you are logged in with an authorized user, enter the same credentials as in the DSM Explorer for the connection to the manager.

OS Installation Fails While Downloading Installer Components


The OS installation on the target computer fails at the Download Installer Components screen with the following error:

No Kernel Modules were found. This is probably due to a mismatch between the kernel used by this version of the installer and kernel version available in the archive.

If you are synchronizing a distribution with a name that ends in -updates, the debmirror utility skips the synchronization of the debian-installer component. This issue occurs due to a bug in the debmirror utility.


To resolve this issue, edit the debmirror perl script to remove ‘.*-updates’ from function ‘di_skip_dist’. This workaround is applicable for debmirror 2.10 and 2.12 versions."

OS Installation Completes but Status Remains in Installing


Though OS installation on the target computer completes, the status of OS installation remains in Installing. This problem can occur due to a known network configuration issue with the Kubuntu OS. For more information about this issue, see


Open the preseed.cfg file under DSM Installation Directory\Server\SDBS\var\managedpc\images\Image Name\Image Name\IMAGESUP and add the following code at the end of the file:

$InstallAgentComment$ sed -i -e 's/iface eth[0-9] inet6 auto/# Replaced by OSIM # &/' /target/etc/network/interfaces; \

The code comments out the detected IPv6 SLAAC addresses from interfaces so that NetworkManager can manage the interface, and the IPv4 and IPv6 stacks upon the reboot.