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The IPS comes with a set of OS image templates you can see during the usage of createosimage. All available images are defined in the Template.ini, which controls the createosimage command.

Creating new image types and new installation templates are for experienced users only.

New types can be added by adding an [ostype] section, including the keys for specification. See key descriptions below.

Template files in os-template\camenu\<ostype>.xx and in os-template\images\<ostype> also belong to an OS type. The assignment is defined in the template.ini file.


Section that specifies the template of the OS type.

typecomment = <string>

The string is only shown in the usage of createosimage as comment of the type.

imagetemplates = <ostype>

Name of the directory which contains the template files under \images.

identfile = <file>

Specifies a file that must be in available on the CD image in order to check whether it is the correct CD. This specification is used if the OS is on one CD, like most Windows operating systems, and morethanonecd is not set.

Identfile can also be used in the <copysection> to identify more CDs.

Default: Empty (no check will be done)

cdrootpath = <directory>

Default subdirectory on CD1 where the source root of the OS files is found.

Cdrootpath is also used to find the file <identfile> on CD1 when specified in the [<ostype>] section.

Cdrootpath has no effect if the -s <OSpath> option is given.

If a <copysection> is specified for CDs, the <copysection> entries are used to copy the directories from the CD or to find the <identfile>. Cdrootpath does not extend the specified copy paths or <identfile> from the <copysection>.

Default: ” .”

ossubpath = <directory>

Specifies a destination subpath of <imagename>\<imagename>\<subpath> for template files from os-template\images\<ostype>.

The OS files will be copied below that <subpath> directory, too.

If a <copysection> is specified for CDs, the <copysection> entries are used to copy the directories from CD. Ossubpath does not extend the specified copy paths from the <copysection>.

Default: No additional subdirectory

batfile = <file>

Name of the DOS installation script for installation using MS SHARE to create camenu\<imagename>.bat. <file> is the name of a template file in os-template\camenu.

tftpfile = <file>

Name of the DOS installation script for installation using TFTP to create camenu\<imagename>.ftp. <file> is the name of a template file in os-template\camenu.

createzip = <yes,no>

If this entry is set to yes, the -z option of createosimage also creates a <imagename>.caz file from the OS data. The files are stored in the managedpc\images\<imagename>\<imagename> directory.

parameterdefinition = <file>

Name of the file that contains the template of default parameter definitions used for default.ini. <file> is the name of a template file in os-template\camenu.

responsefile = <file>

Name of the unattended response file template to create camenu\<imagename>.inf. <file> is the name of a template file in os-template\camenu.

fileswithparameter = <file>

Name of the template list of files, including parameters that can be changed with the DSM Explorer. The template is used to create the osinfo.ini file. <file> is the name of a template file in os-template\camenu.

partitionfile = <file>

Name of the disk partition schema to create camenu\<imagename>.par. <file> is the name of a template file in os-template\camenu.

stringtosubstitute = <string>

String that will be replaced by <imagename> in camenu\<imagename>.bat and camenu\<imagename>.ftp.

imagefileextension = <string>

Name of an image file extension, for example, [set the File Name variable].gho, to find the image file below the -s <OSpath>.

destdriverpath = <string>

Name of the folder on the target system where the drivers are stored.

Examples: $oem$\driver

sdostype= <internal number>

As it is possible to predefine a DSM PXE target, activating an OS installation and SD install jobs, the DSM manager needs to know what SD type the assigned OS is.

Example: 12

createshare = <string>

Specifies that a share should be created on the IPS and on a boot server. Valid values are as follows:




MSW=writable MS-share

Default: MS

finaljobstate = <0|1> (0=current;1=stopped)

Defines the final job state after boothd or registration of the DSM agent.

writabledir = <drirectory>

Defines the write-enabled image share for canonprv if createshare=MSW (getimagexxx).

NOopt... = <0|1> (0=visible,default; 1=skipped)

Skips or shows the corresponding IPS wizard page.For example, if you specify NOoptProdKey =1, the Product Key page in the New OS Image wizard will be skipped. You can use the following parameters to skip the wizard pages: NOoptOSPath, NOoptShare, NOoptProdKey, NOoptLocale, NOoptRespFile, NOoptDriver.

imgtoolcopyN = <imgtoolsubdirectory>:<file1>[><file1renamed>];[<file2>[><file2renamed>]]...

Defines the imaging tool files that you want to add to the image.

sysprepcopyN = <OStype>@<sysprepsubdirectory>[:<file1>;[<file2>]]...

Defines the sysprep files that you want to add to the image.

imageflags = <list of image flags>

Defines the image flags for checking the boot image compatibility with the OS image. Possible values are F140-2, DosTftp, DosLm, PeTftp, PeLm, Pe2Lm, Pe64Tftp, Pe64Lm, DosLmT

batfileWpe = <file>

Defines the name of the WinPE installation script for installations using a share to create camenu\<imagename>.cmd

tftpfileWpe = <file>

Defines the name of the WinPE installation script for installations using TFTP to create camenu\<imagename>.ftw

partitionfileWpe= <file>

Defines the name of the disk partition template to create from WinPE camenu\<imagename>.wp1


Defines the name of a <copysection> that defines the files and directories to copy from a source path containing the Linux distribution files. See createosimage -i<name> -o<type> -s <OSpath>.

The following keys describe the number of CDs required to copy all files and directories into the OSIM OS-image:

morethanonecd = <number>

Defines the number of CD's to copy. Each CD has a key cd1,cd2,cd3.. that points to a special <copysection> that lists all files, directories to copy.

cd1,cd2...cdn = <copysection>

Specifies the name of the copy section.

The following entries are used with the -a <sharename> option. That means the install files must be copied from CD described in the CD100, … section must be copied in the OS image because it includes installation procedures, but the other OS files from the Linux CDs are on a central NFS Server on a NFS share (createosimage -i <name> -o <type> -a <sharename>).

copytemplatesalways = <yes|no>

Specifies whether the templates <imagetemplates> should be copied in the <imagename>\<imagename>.

If this value is set to yes, createosimages -i <name> -o <type> -a <sharename> copies the OS specific template files into the image even if the OS files itself located on another share.

Createosimages -i <name> -o <type> -a <sharename> can also copy files from the Linux CD to this minimum image. Usually, these are normally the Linux loader and other files needed in the DOS phase.

morethanonealwayscd = <number>

Defines the number of CD's to copy even if the -a switch is used. Morethanonealwayscd is only checked if copytemplatesalways = yes. All CDs are defined in one or more <copysection>. With morethanonealwayscd, createosimage looks for keys starting with cd100,cd101,cd102=<copysection>.

cd100,cd101...cd10n = <copysection>

Specifies the name of the copy sections.

[<copysection>] =

This section describes the directories or files to be copied from this CD.


Copies cddirectory to imagedirectory (or <cdfile>=<imagefile> copies cdfile to imagefile). You can use wildcard characters such as * and ?.

The source path must start from CDROOT but without the drive name, for example, d:\

The destination path is relative to the shared directory of the image.

Append the source file to an existing destination file:

<cdfile> => <imagefile>

Read the source file from an existing image instead of reading from the CD:

< <sourcefile> = <destinationfile>

Read the complete CD, DVD into an iso file:

DVD:: = <file.iso> 

Extract a specified package file from the rpm package on CD,DVD to the destination:

RPM::<source package file.rpm> = <destination file name>

The list of supported OS types is specified in the template.ini. For a complete list, see the Usage of CreateOSImage.

Note: If the IPS is also a Boot Server, CreateOSImage will create an OS image share. Depending on the “createshare” parameter CreateOSImage will also create an NFS share if the IPS system provides a NFS service.