The following sample JCL stream contains the steps required to make a host language source program with embedded SQL into form of executable modules. Complete JCL for central version execution is presented, followed by modifications for local mode execution.
The host language for the examples is COBOL. Change the specification of precompiler name, precompiler options, and compiler name according to the host language and version of your program.
Following the sample JCL is a table that gives the meaning of variables used in the examples along with a set of usage notes.
Central Version JCL
***************************************************************** ** PRECOMPILE COBOL PROGRAM ** ***************************************************************** // EXEC PROC=IDMSLBLS // DLBL idmspch,temp.dmlc,0 // EXTENT SYS020,nnnnnn,,,ssss,llll // ASSGN SYS020,DISK,VOL=nnnnnn,SHR // EXEC IDMSDMLC Optional precompiler parameters /*
DMCL=dmcl-name DICTNAME=dictionary-name Additional SYSIDMS parameters, as appropriate /* Host language source statements with embedded SQL /* ***************************************************************** ** CREATE ACCESS MODULE ** *****************************************************************
// EXEC IDMSBCF DMCL=dmcl-name DICTNAME=dictionary-name Additional SYSIDMS parameters, as appropriate /* CREATE ACCESS MODULE statement ; COMMIT WORK RELEASE ; /* ***************************************************************** ** COMPILE COBOL PROGRAM ** *****************************************************************
// DLBL IJSYSIN,temp.dmlc,0 // EXTENT SYSIPT,nnnnnn // ASSGN SYSIPT,DISK,VOL=nnnnnn,SHR // OPTION CATAL,NODECK,NOSYM // PHASE userprog,* // EXEC FCOBOL ***************************************************************** ** LINK PROGRAM MODULE **
***************************************************************** // CLOSE SYSIPT,SYSRDR INCLUDE IDMS ◄──────────── Non-CICS only INCLUDE IDMSCINT ◄──────────── CICS only ENTRY(userentry) // EXEC LNKEDT /*
Variable Definitions
Variable |
Definition |
dictionary-name |
Name of the dictionary containing the SQL definitions |
dmcl-name |
Name of the DMCL |
f |
File number of the tape journal file |
idmspch |
Host language compiler output to be passed to the linkage editor |
idms.tapejrnl |
File ID of the tape journal file |
llll |
Number of tracks (CKD) or blocks (FBA) of disk extent |
nnnnnn |
Volume serial identifier of appropriate disk volume |
ssss |
Starting track (CKD) or block (FBA) of disk extent |
sysjrnl |
Filename of the tape journal file |
temp.dmlc |
File ID of the precompiler output |
userentry |
Entry point for the user program |
userprog |
Name of the user program |
Local Mode JCL
To execute in local mode, add these statements to the precompile step:
// TLBL sysjrnl,'idms.tapejrnl',nnnnnn,,f // ASSGN SYS009,TAPE,VOL=nnnnnn
Note: The link of CICS application programs that use IDMSCINT must incorporate JCL to resolve external reference DFHEI1. The particular JCL depends on the nature and language of your application. See the appropriate IBM CICS application programming documentation for details.
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