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Executing the Application

Batch Jobs

You can execute a batch job under the central version or in local mode.

JCL for executing an SQL application program in batch is presented in Sample JCL.

SYSIDMS Parameters

In batch JCL, you can tailor certain aspects of the runtime environment by specifying SYSIDMS parameters. The following table lists the options specific to SQL processing:

SYSIDMS parameter

What it does


Activates or deactivates the facility that traces all SQL requests made by the application


ON activates a trace of key user blocks that participate in an SQL PROCEDURE call. OFF is the default.


n specifies the max number of entries that will be used in the dynamic SQL cache. One entry holds one cached SQL statement. With n set to 0, dynamic SQL caching will be disabled. The theoretical max value for n is 2,147,483,647, but the real maximum is determined by available address space. The default is 200.


Allows you to force the internal IDMS sort to be used in local mode. If ON is specified, an internal SORT rather than an operating system SORT will be performed on SQL commands issued in a local batch job that contains an ORDER BY clause. In many cases, an internal SORT is faster than an operating system SORT when you are not dealing with a large amount of data. OFF is the default, indicating an operating system SORT will be used.

Note: For more information and the complete list of available SYSIDMS parameters, see the CA IDMS Common Facilities Guide.

Execution Privilege

The privileges required to access a CA IDMS database using SQL depends on how CA IDMS database resources are secured.

If CA IDMS internal security is in effect, authority to access the database through the program derives from ownership of the schema that qualifies the access module name.

Note: For more information about qualifying the access module name, see Overriding Access Module Defaults.

If CA IDMS resources are secured by an external security system, the executing user must hold appropriate privileges on all resources that the application program accesses. The schema name has no significance except as a qualifier.

Note: For more information about privileges required to access CA IDMS, see your security administrator.