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The STORE function creates a new record occurrence. It uses values in the variable storage area to which the record type is bound as the contents of the new record.

In order to use the STORE function, the user program must:

For each set type in which the record type participates as owner, a new, empty set occurrence is created. The new record occurrence will be automatically connected to each set in which it participates as a member, if the set membership is Automatic. For sets whose membership option is Manual, you must use the CONNECT function to link the new record to an occurrence of the set.

For example, before storing June Moon's EMPLOYEE record, we must first establish currency in the correct DEPT-EMPLOYEE and OFFICE-EMPLOYEE set occurrences because the membership option for both of these is Automatic. The order in which June Moon will be linked within the sets is determined by the set order and discussed under the CONNECT function.

The record, when stored, becomes current of run unit, current of its record type, current of its area, and current of all sets in which it participates.