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Pageable Map Format

A pageable map is divided into the header area, the detail area, and the footer area. The header and footer areas consist of general information such as the map title, the page number, or the useable PF-keys. The detail area consists of detail occurrences.

For information on defining a pageable map, see CA IDMS Mapping Facility Guide.

Important! To prevent excessive database record locking, you should not define database records as map records in a pageable map; use IDD-defined work records instead.

Example of a Pageable Map

The figures below illustrate two pages of a map screen. Note that the display of information in the header and footer areas is unchanged except for the $PAGE field.

                                                            $PAGE field
             │                                                │       │
             │                                                ▼       │ ─┐
             │ *** DEPARTMENT INFORMATION SCREEN *** PAGE: 0001       │  │ Header
             │                                                        │  │ area
             │ DEPARTMENT ID: 3200                                    │  │
             │          NAME: COMPUTER OPERATIONS                     │ ─┘
          ┌─ │                                                        │ ─┐
Detail    │  │                      EMPLOYEE ID:  0004                │  │
occurrence│  │                        LAST NAME:  CRANE               │  │
          │  │                       FIRST NAME:  HERBERT             │  │ Detail
          └─ │                                                        │  │ area
             │                                                        │  │
             │                      EMPLOYEE ID:  0032                │  │
             │                        LAST NAME:  FERNDALE            │  │
             │                       FIRST NAME:  JANE                │  │
             │                                                        │  │
             │                                                        │  │
             │                      EMPLOYEE ID:  0045                │  │
             │                        LAST NAME:  FONRAD              │  │
             │                       FIRST NAME:  GEORGE              │  │
             │                                                        │ ─┘
             │                                                        │ ─┐
             │PF8 NEXT PAGE *** PG7 PREVIOUS PAGE *** PA1 EXIT        │  │ Footer
             │                                        APPLICATION     │  │ area
             └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ─┘
│                                                                          │
│                                                                          │
│           *** DEPARTMENT INFORMATION SCREEN ***           PAGE: 0002     │
│                                                                          │
│   DEPARTMENT ID: 3200                                                    │
│            NAME: COMPUTER OPERATIONS                                     │
│                                                                          │
│                  EMPLOYEE ID:  0053                                      │
│                    LAST NAME:  GARDNER                                   │
│                   FIRST NAME:  ROBIN                                     │
│                                                                          │
│                                                                          │
│                  EMPLOYEE ID:  0031                                      │
│                    LAST NAME:  LIPSICH                                   │
│                   FIRST NAME:  HERBERT                                   │
│                                                                          │
│                                                                          │
│                                                                          │
│                                                                          │
│                                                                          │
│                                                                          │
│                                                                          │
│                                                                          │