Managing Queued Resources

Resources are objects that your program must explicitly ask for before it can do any work. Multiple resources may be required to perform a logical unit of work. For example, a database area is a resource that you ask for by issuing a READY statement; a database record occurrence is a resource that you ask for by issuing a FIND/OBTAIN statement.

Holding Resources

The number of resources that you hold and the way that you hold them affects other run units. For example, resources can be shared or exclusive.

You should adhere to the following guidelines when holding resources:

Examples of Resources

Typical resources include:

Meaning of Queued Resource

Your site may utilize queued resources. A queued resource is any resource that requires serial access. That is, only one program can access it at a time.

DC allows you to perform the following resource management functions:

These functions are explained below, followed by a list of suggestions that you can use to avoid deadlocks.

Testing for Resource Availability

To determine if a resource or list of resources is currently available, perform the following steps:

  1. Issue an ENQUEUE request that includes the TEST parameter.
  2. Check for the following statuses:
  3. 0000 indicates that all the tested resources were available and have now been enqueued for your task.

Acquiring Resources

To acquire and lock a resource or list of resources, perform the following steps:

  1. Issue an ENQUEUE request that includes either the WAIT or the NOWAIT parameter.
  2. Check for the following statuses:

Releasing Resources

After all processing is complete, release resources by issuing a DEQUEUE statement. You can release resources by name or all at once (by including the ALL parameter).

Avoiding Deadlock

One of the conditions of deadlock is that a program is holding resources while waiting for other resources. The following list explains techniques that your site can use to minimize this condition:

Sharing Queued Resources Between CA IDMS Systems

In a data sharing environment, queued resources can be shared between CA IDMS systems that are members of a data sharing group. The benefit of sharing these resources is that access to them can be controlled between programs executing on any member of the group. Whether or not a specific queued resource is shared, is determined by specifications made by the CA IDMS system administrator. Programs accessing queued resources are not sensitive to whether or not a resource is shared, since the DML syntax is the same in either case.