This appendix explains how a batch application program can use services of the CA IDMS central version.
DC-BATCH allows your batch program to access DC queues and printers. Using DC-BATCH, your program can access the database, issue CA IDMS queue management commands, and transmit data to DC printers.
Note: DC-BATCH uses the IDMS communications block.
Batch Access to CA IDMS Queues
You can use DC-BATCH to establish a task within a batch application program. This allows your program to read data from queue records while performing normal database activities. Additionally, you can take advantage of DC facilities for locking queue records and performing recovery.
Perform the following steps to access queue records from a DC-BATCH program:
Within the task, you can issue COMMIT TASK and ROLLBACK TASK statements to write checkpoints and effect recovery coordinated with the CA IDMS run unit.
Note: Be sure to issue a BIND TASK statement and a FINISH TASK statement and to include the TASK parameter of the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements.
Batch Access to DC Printers
To access DC printers from a batch application program, perform the following steps:
Note: Batch programs cannot issue WRITE PRINTER SCREEN requests.
Terminate the DC task with a FINISH TASK statement.
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