Previous Topic: Services Batch Interface

About the 10.2 Services Batch Interface

Batch programs that require CA IDMS 10.2 services only can use the optional 10.2 services batch interface to access a later release.

Since only 10.2 features are available through this interface, later release features such as SYSIDMS parameters and SQL access are not supported through this interface.

This appendix describes the requirements for using the 10.2 services batch interface.

CA IDMS Installation

The 10.2 services batch interface requires two load modules supplied by the CA IDMS installation process:


Before you can make use of the interface, z/OS users must copy the B102STUB load module from the appropriate release level CAGJLOAD load library into a load library which will be included in their run-time STEPLIB concatenation and rename the module to IDMSB102.

z/VSE users need to copy the B102STUB.PHASE from their installed CA IDMS sub-library into a sub-library which will be included in their run-time LIBDEF concatenation, and then rename the module to IDMSB102.PHASE.

To use the 10.2 services batch interface, the following conditions must be met:

Batch Execution Considerations

Be aware of these considerations when preparing a program to use one of the batch interfaces: