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Coordinated Use of the Online and Batch Compilers

Use of the online mapping compiler, the batch compiler, and the batch utility can be coordinated to develop and maintain maps. The relationships among the data dictionary, batch compiler, batch utility, and the online compiler are illustrated in the following figure:

For example, a map developer might perform the following sequence of actions to coordinate the use of the online compiler, the batch compiler, and the batch utility:

  1. Develop a new map by using the online compiler
  2. Revise the map in response to a major revision of a data dictionary entity by performing the following actions:
    1. Obtain map source statements by using the DECOMPILE or TERSE process of the batch utility
    2. Delete the occurrences and load module for the map by using the online compiler
    3. Update the decompiled source statements, as necessary
    4. Compile the updated source code, redefining the map
    5. Generate a load module for the updated map by using the LOAD process of the batch utility

The following considerations apply to the coordinated use of the mapping compilers: