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PANEL Statement Syntax

The PANEL statement typically is used to perform the following functions:

PFLD statements that immediately follow a PANEL statement establish fields for that panel; a panel generally has several panel fields.

►►──┬───────────┬── PANel panel-name ─┬─────────────────────────────────────┬─►
    ├── ADD ────┤                     └─ VERsion ─┬──────┬─ version number ─┘
    ├── MODify ─┤                                 ├─ IS ─┤
    └── DELete ─┘                                 └─ = ──┘

 ►── DEVices = ─┬─ ( device-code ) ────────────────┬──────────── . ───────────►◄
                ├─ (24x80, 32x80, 43x80, 27x132) ◄─┤
                └─ ALL ────────────────────────────┘



Specifies the action taken with regard to the PANEL specification. For information about these verbs, see "Compiler Action Verbs." ADD, MODIFY, and DELETE access for a panel is subject to security restrictions specified for the batch compiler and individual maps, as outlined in "Compiler Security".

PANEL panel-name

Supplies a 1- through 32-character name for the panel. The following considerations apply to the composition.

alphanumeric or special characters. character; for example, pound sign (#), at sign (@), or dollar sign ($). or blank characters.

VERSION IS version

Optionally specifies a version number to further identify the map. Version must be in the range 1 through 9999. If omitted, version defaults to the data dictionary default as defined by the Data Dictionary Definition Language (DDDL) SET OPTIONS statement.


Specifies the devices with which the map can be used:

Using a Field on a Subset of Devices

To reserve a map field for use on only a subset of the devices specified in the DEVICES clause, FOR clauses can be included in a PFLD statement for the field. FOR clauses are also used to specify values or attributes to be used when a field is displayed on specific devices.

Effect of the MODIFY Verb

The MODIFY verb does not update the DEVICES specification.

Note: For more information, see "Compiler Action Verbs".