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Error Handling at Runtime

When is a Field in Error?

A field is identified as being in error when automatic editing detects an error in that field on mapin. User-written edit modules, CA ADS dialogs, and application programs can perform their own editing and validation and specify whether a field is in error.

Defining Attributes for Redisplay

The CA ADS dialog or application program that uses a map can redisplay a map that contains fields in error.

Attributes can be defined for the redisplay of correct and incorrect fields. Such error-handling attributes can be used to draw the operator's attention to input errors. Error messages can be specified for fields in error. Additionally, the terminal alarm can be sounded when a map contains input errors. Specifications for the redisplay of maps with input errors are made as follows:

Error-handling attributes defined by the mapping facility are available for use when automatic editing and error-handling are enabled for the map (regardless of the individual field settings).

Note: For information about how to enable automatic editing and error-handling for a map, see Enabling Automatic Editing and Error Handling.

The ways in which CA ADS dialogs and application programs redisplay maps are contrasted in the following figure. Dialogs and programs can be set up to handle input errors as follows.

Dialogs, Programs, and Input Errors

An application program should not issue mapout requests with the NEWPAGE (ERASE) specification during error-handling; NEWPAGE (ERASE) maps out all map fields, including literal fields, and changes MDT settings.

Note: For more information about the development of application programs that interact with maps, see the appropriate CA IDMS DML Reference Guide.

Steps Performed by Runtime Mapping

When a CA ADS dialog or application program redisplays a map for which automatic editing and error-handling are enabled, current error-handling attributes are automatically used for the field.

The list and diagram that follow illustrate the steps performed by runtime mapping:

Error Handling at Runtime