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PFLD Statement Syntax

Functions Performed

A PFLD statement typically is used to perform the following functions:

►►──┬──────────┬─ PFld panel-field-name ──────────────────────────────────────►
    ├─ ADD ────┤
    ├─ MODify ─┤
    └─ DELete ─┘

    └─ OCCURS ─┬─ 1 ◄ ────────────────────┬─┘
               └─ occurrence-count times ─┘

   ┌────────────────────────────── , ───────────────────────────────────────┐
     ├─ FOR ALL ◄ ───────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────
     │         ┌─────── , ────────┐      │
     └─ FOR ( ─┴─ device-code ) ──┴── ) ─┘
     │ └─ AT ─┬─ ANYwhere ──────────────────────────────────┬─┘              │
     │        │ ┌───────────────── , ────────────────────┐  │                │
     │        └─▼─ ( row-number ─┬─ 1 ◄────────────┬─ ) ─┴──┘                │
     │                           └─ column-number ─┘                         │
     │ └─ ATTRibutes = ─┬─ NONE ───────────────┬──────────────┘              │
     │                  └─ (attributes list) ──┘                             │
     │ ├─ DELIMit ─┬──────┬──┬─ SKIP ◄ ─┬─────────────────────┤              │
     │ │           ├─ IS ─┤  └─ NOSKIP ─┘                     │              │
     │ │           └─ = ──┘                                   │              │
     │ └─ NODELIMit ──────────────────────────────────────────┘              │
     │ └─ PAGing type ─┬──────┬─┬─ DETail ONLY ──┬────────────┘              │
     │                 ├─ IS ─┤ ├─ DETail STart ─┤                           │
     │                 └─ = ──┘ ├─ DETail END ───┤                           │
     │                          ├─ FOOTer STart ─┤                           │
     │                          └─ NULL ◄ ───────┘                           │
     │ └─ VALue ─┬──────┬┬─ 'data-value'───────────────────────────────────┬┘│
     │           ├─ is ─┤│ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────┐│ │
     │           └─ = ──┘└─▼─ ( ─┬──────────────────────┬─ 'data-value') ─┴┘ │
     │                           └─ (occurrence-count) ─┘                    │



Specifies the action taken with regard to the MFLD statement.


Introduces the clauses that define a panel field and associated panel field occurrence.

OCCURS 1/occurrence-count TIMES

Specifies the number of times the field is to appear on the panel; the default is 1.

FOR ALL /(device-code-a)

Associates the specified screen sizes with field specifications established by subsequent AT, ATTRIBUTES, DELIMIT, and VALUE clauses. If the panel is used with more than one screen size, multiple FOR specifications can be included in the PFLD statement to establish different information for each screen size; for a more detailed description of this latter use of the FOR specification, see "Defining Versions of Maps for Different Devices".

A field is associated with specific devices as follows:

AT ANYWHERE/ (row,1/column)

Specifies the screen coordinate of the attribute byte for a field by row and column. The coordinate establishes the location of a runtime field on a given screen. An attribute byte is a nondisplayable character that precedes the displayed field and defines the field's attributes.

The field itself is displayed starting at the coordinate that immediately follows the nondisplayable attribute byte. For example, a field displays starting in coordinate (5,11) for an AT (5,10) specification.

The following considerations apply to the placement of attribute bytes and fields:

Screen coordinates are designated as follows:

The following considerations apply when positioning multiply-occurring fields:


Specifies the attributes for the field. Only one ATTRIBUTES clause can occur in a given MFLD statement. ATTRIBUTES specifications apply to all occurrences of the field. Valid specifications are as follows:


Specifies whether a delimit character is placed after the final position of a data field:


(pageable maps only) Specifies whether the field begins and/or ends the detail occurrence or an area on the pageable map:

Note: For more information about the areas of pageable maps, see "Pageable Maps".

VALUE IS data-value/((occurrence-count) data-value)

Supplies string values to literal fields:

A maximum of 256 characters can be specified for a literal field in data-value.