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Associated Records


This screen is used to enter the schema or work records to be used by the map, and optionally specifies role names for records.

Accessing the Autopaint Feature

The autopaint feature which lets you create a map automatically, is also initiated from this screen.

To use the autopaint feature:

Note: For more information about the Autopaint feature, see "A Sample Session”.

Sample Screen

Associated Records Page 1 of 1 Map name: EYHTST1 Version: 1 Record name Version Role name Drop (/) 1 ________________________________ ________________________________ _ 2 ________________________________ ________________________________ _ 3 ________________________________ ________________________________ _ 4 ________________________________ ________________________________ _ 5 ________________________________ ________________________________ _ 6 ________________________________ ________________________________ _ 7 ________________________________ ________________________________ _ DC366604 Specify the map records F1=Help F3=Exit F4=Prev F5=Next F6=Preview F7=Bkwd F8=Fwd F9=Autopaint

Field Definitions

Record name

Identifies the names of records that contain elements referenced by the map.

If a logical record is used, the developer names all of the records containing elements that are part of the logical record and that are used in the map-definition. The name of the logical record is later specified in the dialog or program using the map.


Identifies the version number of each specified record. If not specified, the default version is the value in the IDD OPTION FOR DICTIONARY DEFAULT FOR EXISTING VERSION. If the IDD EXISTING VERSION option is not set, the default version is 1. The developer can use the version field to specify a different version of a record for an existing map.

Overstriking the field with a new version number deletes the old record version from the map. The new record version is added to the map.

All map fields associated with elements in the old record are associated with the corresponding elements in the new record, by element name. If the new record version omits any elements associated with the previous record version, the related map fields are deleted from the map. If an external picture has been explicitly defined for a map field, changing the record version number does not change the external picture of the element, even if the internal picture is different in the new record version.

Role name

Specifies a role name that is to be used for the record at runtime. Role names typically are used when a given record type is to be used in more than one context. For example, the developer might specify the EMPLOYEE record layout twice for a map that uses the EMPLOYEE record for both employee-related and manager-related fields on a single map:

  • One specification of the EMPLOYEE record would not include a role name for the record.
  • The second specification of the EMPLOYEE record would include a valid role name for the record (for example, MANAGER). The role name must be used in subsequent references to the record in the map-definition.

A role name can be established in either of the following two ways:

  • It can be previously defined for the record in the subschema used by the dialog or program. The online compiler will not verify the subschema role name; it must be provided by the user at map-definition.
  • It can be unique to the map, established at map-definition by specifying it on this screen.


Allows the developer to disassociate the the selected record or role name from the map. To disassociate a record from a map, type a slash (/) beside the record or role name. All map data fields are disassociated from the map when it is dropped.