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How to use the Attributes List

The same list of attributes is available for use in each mapping language clause that allows a map developer to specify attributes for a field. For clarity and convenience, the complete syntax for attributes-list is presented only once in this section.

Important: The default values apply only to the ATTRIBUTES clauses of the PFLD statement and the MFLD (for MAP AUTOPANEL) statement. No default values apply to the INCORRECT FIELDS ATTRIBUTES and CORRECT FIELDS ATTRIBUTES clauses.


   ├─┬─ ALPHAnumeric ──┬─┤
   │ └─ NUMeric ───────┘ │
   ├─┬─ PROTected ─────┬─┤
   │ └─ UNPROTected ───┘ │
   ├─── SKIP ────────────┤
   ├─┬─ DETECTable ────┬─┤
   │ └─ NONDETECTable ─┘ │
   ├─┬─ DISPlay ───────┬─┤
   │ ├─ DARK ──────────┤ │
   │ └─ BRIGHT ────────┘ │
   ├─┬─ MDT ───────────┬─┤
   │ └─ NOMDT ─────────┘ │
   ├─┬─ BLINK ─────────┬─┤
   │ └─ NOBLINK ───────┘ │
   ├─┬─ REVerse-video ─┬─┤
   │ └─ NORMal-video ──┘ │
   ├─┬─ UNDERscore ────┬─┤
   │ └─ NOUNDERscore ──┘ │
   ├─┬─ ALLLine ───────┬─┤
   │ └─ NOLIne ────────┘ │
   ├─┬─ LEFTLine ──────┬─┤
   │ └─ NOLEFTLine ────┘ │
   ├─┬─ RIGHTLine ─────┬─┤
   │ └─ NORIGHTLine ───┘ │
   ├─┬─ BOTTOMLine ────┬─┤
   │ └─ NOBOTTOMLine ──┘ │
   ├─┬─ TOPLine ───────┬─┤
   │ └─ NOTOPLine ─────┘ │
   └─┬─ BLue ──────────┬─┘
     ├─ RED ───────────┤
     ├─ PINk ──────────┤
     ├─ GREen ─────────┤
     ├─ TURquoise ─────┤
     ├─ YELlow ────────┤
     ├─ WHIte ─────────┤
     └─ NOColor ───────┘



Specifies the characters that can be entered in the field:


Indicates whether the field can accept operator input:


Specifies that the operator cannot use the TAB key to position the cursor on the field; the cursor is advanced to the next UNPROTECTED field. Indicating SKIP for a field specifies NUMERIC and PROTECTED for the field.


Specifies whether the field is detectable by the selector light pen:


Indicates whether the field is displayed and, if displayed, whether it appears at normal or bright intensity:

BRIGHT fields are always DETECTABLE; DARK fields can never be DETECTABLE.


Data fields only; indicates whether the modified data tag (MDT) is set on automatically for the field on a mapout operation:


Specifies whether the field is to blink at runtime:


Indicates whether the field is displayed in reverse or normal video:


Indicates whether the field is underscored:


Enables or disables field outlining for the entire field.


Enables or disables field outlining to the left of the field.


Enables or disables field outlining to the right of the field.


Enables or disables field outlining below the field.


Enables or disables field outlining above the field.

In order for the above field outlining options to draw lines in selected locations around the field when the MAP is displayed, the terminal or emulator being used must support field outlining.

More information:

For more information about specifying Outline options with MAPC, see Online Mapping Compiler Reference: Device-dependent Options.


Specifies the runtime color of the field, or of the background if REVERSE-VIDEO is specified for the field. Only one display color can be specified for a given field. NOCOLOR (default) specifies that the default display color for the terminal is used. Color attributes other than NOCOLOR take effect only when the map is displayed at a 3279-type terminal.

Note: BLINK, UNDERSCORE, and REVERSE-VIDEO are mutually exclusive. For example, neither REVERSE VIDEO nor UNDERSCORE can be assigned to a field for which the BLINK attribute is defined.