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MAP Statement Syntax

Functions Performed

A MAP statement typically is used to perform the following functions:

The actual map is constructed with MFLD statements, presented later in this section, by selecting fields from the panel occurrence named in the MAP statement and by associating the variable panel fields with record elements defined in the data dictionary.

►►──┬──────────┬─ MAP map-name ──┬───────────────────────────────┬────────────►
    ├─ ADD ────┤                 └─ VERsion ─┬──────┬─ version ──┘
    ├─ MODIFY ─┤                             ├─ IS ─┤
    └─ DELETE ─┘                             └─ =  ─┘

    └─ DATETIME ─┬──────┬─ date-time-stamp ──┘
                 ├─ IS ─┤
                 └─ =  ─┘

    └─ MSG PREFIX ─┬──────┬───┬──── DC ◄ ─────────┤
                   ├─ IS ─┤   └─ message-prefix ──┘
                   └─ =  ─┘

    └─ PANel ─┬──────┬─ panel-name ─┬───────────────────────────────┬─┘
              ├─ IS ─┤              └─ VERsion ─┬──────┬─ version ──┘
              └─ =  ─┘                          ├─ IS ─┤
                                                └─ =  ─┘
 ►──┬────────────────────────────────┬─────┬─ RESident ──────┬────────────────►
    └─ SYStem ─┬──────┬─ dc-version ─┘     └─ NONRESident ◄ ─┘
               ├─ IS ─┤
               └─ =  ─┘

    └─ USING ─┬──────────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────
              └┬─ RECORDS ─┬─┘
               └─ REC ─────┘
            ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐       │
  ────── ( ─▼─ record-name ─┬───────────┬─┬──────────────────────┬─┴── ) ──┘
                            └─ version ─┘ └─ ROLEname role-name ─┘

 ►──┬── EDIT ◄ ─┬──┬────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────►
    └─ NOEDIT ──┘  └─ CURSOR at panel-field-name ─┘

    ├─ RESET ◄ ─┬─┬──────────────┬┘   ├─ LOCK ────┬─┬───────────────┬─┘
    └─ NORESET ─┘ └┬─ MODIFIED ─┬┘    └─ UNLOCK ◄─┘ └┬─ KEYBOARD ─┬─┘
                   └─ MOD ──────┘                    └─ KEY ──────┘

 ►──┬─ ALARM ────┬──┬─ STARTPRT ─┬──┬─ NLCR ◄ ┬──┬─ PAGeable ─────┬───────────►
    └─ NOALARM ◄ ┘  └─ NOPRT ◄ ──┘  ├─ 40CR   │  └─ NONPAGeable ◄ ┘
                                    ├─ 64CR   │
                                    └─ 80CR ──┘
    └─ DECimal point ─┬──────┬───┬─ Comma ───┬─┘
                      ├─ IS ─┤   └─ Period ◄ ┘
                      └─ =  ─┘

   └─ HELP ─┬─ NO ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
            └─ LOAD MODule ─┬──────┬─ module-name ────────────────────────────
                            ├─ IS ─┤
                            └─ =  ─┘

   └─ SOUrce ─┬─ NONE ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
              └─ MODule module-name ─┬───────────────────────────────┬────────
                                     └─  version ─┬──────┬─ version ─┘
                                                  ├─ IS ─┤
                                                  └─ =  ─┘
  ─┬─ HALF screen ◄ ┬─┘
   └─ FULL screen ──┘

   └─ HELPKEY ─┬──────┬── PFnn ──┘
               ├─ IS ─┤
               └─ =  ─┘
   └─ ON edit ERROR ──┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬─
                      └─ INCORRECT fields ATTRibutes = ( attributes-list ) ─┘

   └─ CORRECT fields ATTRibutes = ( attributes-list ) ─┘

   └─ SOUND ─┬─ ALARM ────┬─┘
             └─ NOALARM ◄ ┘

 ►─┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬ . ─►◄
   └─ ORIGIN for ─┬─ ALL ─────────────────────┬─┬──────┬─( row  column )─┘
                  │     ┌───────────────┐     │ ├─ IS ─┤
                  └─ ( ─▼─ device-code ─┴─ ) ─┘ └─ = ──┘



Specifies the action taken with regard to the MAP statement. ADD, MODIFY, and DELETE access for a map is subject to security restrictions specified for the batch compiler and individual maps, as outlined in "Compiler Security".

MAP map-name

Specifies the unique 1- through 8-character name for the map being defined, modified, or deleted. The following considerations apply to the composition of map-name:

VERSION IS version-n

Optionally specifies a version number to further identify the map. Version-n must be in the range 1 through 9999. If omitted, version-n defaults to the data dictionary version default, as defined by the Data Dictionary Definition Language (DDDL) SET OPTIONS statement.

DATETIME IS date-time-stamp

The map compiler DATETIME clause is returned in map source statements when you use the map utility to decompile a map.

If you use the DATETIME option to decompile a map from one DC system and add it to another system:

MSG PREFIX IS message-prefix

Defines the two-character prefix to be used as the default prefix for any MFLD in the map that is defined using the ERROR MESSAGE clause.

PANEL panel-name

Specifies the name of the panel with which the map is associated. The panel occurrence must already be defined in the data dictionary.

VERsion is version

Optionally specifies a version number to further identify the panel occurrence. If omitted, version defaults to the data dictionary version default as defined by the Data Dictionary Definition Language (DDDL) SET OPTIONS statement.

SYSTEM IS dc-version-n

Specifies the version number of a CA IDMS system with which the map is associated. Dc-version-n is the 1- through 4-character identifier assigned to the system at system generation.


Indicates whether the map load module is resident in storage at system runtime:


(record-name/(record-name version-n) ROLENAME role-name)

Specifies the list of predefined schema and/or work records used by the map and optionally specifies role names for records:


Indicates whether automatic editing and error-handling are enabled for the map, as follows:

Note: For more information about enabling and disabling automatic editing, see "Enabling Automatic Editing and Error Handling".


Indicates whether the modified data tags (MDTs) for data fields are reset automatically on a mapout operation:

The MDT/NOMDT specification in the MFLD ATTRIBUTES clause for a field overrides the RESET/NORESET specification for that field if the map-level and field-level specifications differ. If MDT is chosen for a field, the MDT is set on regardless of the RESET MDT specification.

Note: For more information about the MDT/NOMDT setting, see "Attributes for Fields".


Specifies whether the keyboard unlocks automatically after a mapout operation:


Indicates whether a terminal alarm sounds automatically on a mapout operation:


Specifies whether the contents of the printer terminal buffer should be printed automatically upon completion of data transmission on a mapout operation:


Specifies character-per-line formatting for printer output:

These specifications are applicable only if the STARTPRT clause is specified for the map.


Specifies whether the map is pageable:

Note: For more information about pageable maps, see "Pageable Maps".


Specifies the decimal point character for numeric fields on the map:


Specifies whether help will be implemented for the map.

NO/LOAD MODule module name

If there is Help for the map, the name of the load module that contains all the help source for the map.


The PFKey designated as the Help key for the map.

SOUrce NONE/MODule module-name

The name of the IDD module that contains the help text for the map.

If module name is specified, you can optionally specify:


Defines incorrect-field attributes, correct-field attributes, and alarm status for use when a dialog or map redisplays a map that contains input errors. The following clauses assign error-handling criteria:

For example, a dialog or program can include code to redisplay a map when an error is detected in a field on mapin. When the display is mapped back out, incorrect-field attributes take effect for fields that are in error, and correct-field attributes take effect for fields that are not in error. The terminal operator can correct the errors and resubmit the map.


ORIGIN FOR (device-code)/ALL IS (row column)

Positions the origin of the runtime map at a row/column location on specified devices: