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Positioning Maps on Different Devices

The origin for a map is its upper left-hand coordinate.

The ORIGIN FOR clause of the MAP or MAP AUTOPANEL statement centers or repositions an entire runtime map on a terminal screen by performing the following functions:

For example, the origin for the map defined by the following sample MAP statement would be located at coordinate 10,20 when displayed on 24X80 devices and at coordinate 30,20 on 43X80 devices at runtime:

    ORIGIN FOR (24X80) IS (10,20)
    ORIGIN FOR (43X80) IS (30,20).

Map Positioning for Different-size Devices

The effects of an ORIGIN FOR specification on devices of two different sizes are illustrated in the following figure:

The origin of the panel/map is positioned at row 5, column 5 for the smaller device. The origin is positioned at row 10, column 20 for the larger device.