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Overview of a session

The following figure provides an overview of the online compiler screens and the relationships among them.

Note: For more information about how to use the function keys, see Using the function keys.

In the drawing,

Note: For more information about each screen, see Using the function keys.

                  ┌─────────┐       ┌──────────┐
               Opt│ General ├───F8──► General  │
              ┌───► Options │       │ Options  │
              │ 1 │    1    ◄───F7──┤    2     │
              │   └──┬───▲──┘       └──────────┘
              │      │   │
              │   F5 │   │ F4
              │      │   │
              │   ┌──▼───┴──┐
              │Opt│ Map     │
              ├───► Level   │
              │ 2 │ Help    │
              │   └──┬───▲──┘
              │      │   │
              │   F5 │   │ F4
              │      │   │
┌────────┐    │   ┌──▼───┴──┐       ┌─────────┐
│Main    │    │Opt│ Assoc   │       │Autopaint│
│Menu    │────┼───► Records ├───────►Selection│
│        │    │ 3 │         │       │Screen   │
└────────┘    │   └──┬───▲──┘       └────┬────┘
              │   F5 │   │               │
              │      │   │ F4            │
              │   F9 │   │               │ F5
              │   ┌──▼───┴──┐            │
              │Opt│         │            │
              ├───► Layout  ◄────────────┘
              │ 4 │         │
              │   └──┬───▲──┘
              │   F2 │   │
              │      │   │ F4
              │   F5 │   │
              │   ┌──▼───┴──┐ F8  ┌─────────┐ F8   ┌─────────┐ F8  ┌─────────┐
              │Opt│ Field   ├─────►Map      ├──────►Add      ├─────►Field    │
              └───► Def     │     │ReadWrite│      │Edit     │     │Level    │
                5 │         ◄─────┤Options  ◄──────┤Criteria ◄─────┤Help     │
                  └────▲────┘ F7  └─────────┘ F7   └─────────┘ F7  └──┬───▲──┘
                       │                                           F8 │   │ F7
                       │                                              │   │
                       │          ┌─────────┐ F8   ┌─────────┐ F8  ┌──▼───┴──┐
                       │          │Pageable ◄──────┤User     ◄─────┤Device   │
                       └──────────┤Options  │      │Edit     │     │Dependent│
                           F4     │         ├──────►Modules  ├─────►Options  │
                                  └─────────┘ F7   └─────────┘ F7  └─────────┘
