Batch Utilities › CA IDMS Enforcer Batch Utilities › Dictionary Audit (ESXAUDIT)
Dictionary Audit (ESXAUDIT)
This utility audits the specified central version data dictionary structure for naming compliance using CA IDMS Enforcer enforcement values as the basis for compliance determinations. The expanded version of the Dictionary Audit Report, shown in Exhibit 4.45 in Report Output--Expanded Mode, offers detailed diagnostic information. By using the TERSE parameter, you can limit the amount of information on the Dictionary Audit Report. An example of the terse version of the report is shown in Exhibit 4.46 in Report Output--Terse Mode. Both the expanded and terse version of the Dictionary Audit Report offer summary information (see Exhibit 4.47 in Naming Compliance Audit Summary).
You can limit the data dictionary entities to be audited by selecting or excluding specific entities. To minimize the size of the output file, expanded mode runs should be made as selective as possible.
Refer to Active Enforcement for passive enforcement requirements to audit data dictionaries defined in your central version.
The model JCL and key to variables are contained in Target or Distribution source library member ESXAUDIT (z/OS and Z/OS), TOOLJCL library member ESXAUDIT.S (Z/VSE), or the ESXAUDIT EXEC (Z/VM). These members are shown below.
Keyword Parameter Example
Required Parameters
- select-value(s) — The required keyword, SELECT, provides the entity-types that are selected for audit. You must select one or more entity types or specify the ALL parameter on the SELECT statement. If you select more than one entity, the entity names must be encased in parentheses and separated by commas. See Exhibit 4.12 for SELECT values.
Optional Parameters
- TERSE — This optional keyword limits the amount of audit information on the report. If you use this parameter, only the template name and compliance status for each selected occurrence name for every template of its entity type is presented. If you do not use this keyword, you will receive the expanded version of the Dictionary Audit Report.
- dictionary-name — This one- to eight-character subparameter is used to specify an alternate dictionary name for dictionary audit.
- node-name — This one- to eight-character subparameter is used to specify an alternate node name for dictionary audit.
- exclude-value(s) — Use the optional keyword, EXCLUDE, to further limit the entity selections made with the SELECT parameter. The entities that you exclude are not audited. If you specify more than one entity type for exclusion, the entity names must be encased in parenthesis and separated by commas. See Exhibit 4.12 for a list of possible values.
- STARTDATE and ENDDATE — These optional keywords indicate the dates against which entity name occurrences are compared for the purpose of audit selection. Any entity that was added to the dictionary prior to the STARTDATE specified is not included in the audit. Any entity that was added to the dictionary after the ENDDATE is not included in the audit.
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