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Download Enforcement Structure (ESXDLOD)

This utility downloads CA IDMS Enforcer's installed enforcement database structure to a transportable file. When you execute this utility, database structures for the indicated dictionary/node are encoded into a sequential file or partitioned data set (z/OS and Z/OS).

The model JCL and keys to variables are contained in Target or Distribution source library member ESXDLOD (z/OS and Z/OS), TOOLJCL library member ESXDLOD.S (Z/VSE), or the ESXDLOD EXEC (Z/VM). These members are shown below.

Keyword Parameter Example


Optional Parameters


This one-to eight-character subparameter is used to specify the CA IDMS Enforcer database dictionary name for enforcement structure download.


This one- to eight-character subparameter is used to specify the node name for enforcement structure download.


The TABLES optional keyword directs download processing to extract all system table definitions contained in the installed database. If TABLES is specified, DICTIONARY and NODE are ignored.