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Confirm System Table Delete Screen

The Confirm System Table Delete screen is used to confirm the deletion of a system table including the adjustment of all associated templates and template fields. Template fields referencing the indicated system table will be converted to wildcards (*) with a field value type of "D" representing a data-only type field, and bracket mode templates will be reset to non-bracketed template status.

The Confirm System Table Delete screen offers two options:

  CA IDMS Enforcer Rnn.n ─── Confirm System Table Delete ─&$CONT.─save mm/dd/yy hh:mm  COMMAND ===>                                                            ESXASTC   ****************************************************************************   **                                                                        **   **  WARNING: Deletion of the indicated System Table has been requested.   **   **   ACTION: If confirmed, all fields contained in CA IDMS Enforcer       **   **           referencing this table will be converted to wildcards (*)    **   **           and bracket mode templates will be reset to non-bracketed    **   **           template status.                                             **   **                                                                        **   **                                                                        **   **            System Table: ELEMENT_DESIGNATORS                           **   **                                                                        **   **                                                                        **   **                                                                        **   **                                                                        **   **     INSTRUCTIONS: Press "ENTER" key to confirm delete request.         **   **                   Enter "END" command to cancel delete request.        **   **                                                                        **   **                                                                        **   **************************************************************************** 

Exhibit 3.37:  Confirm System Table Delete Screen