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Add/Copy Entity Type Screen

The Add function of the Add/Copy Entity Type screen is used to add a new entity-type name to an existing dictionary/node structure.

The Copy function is used to:

Note: Adding an entity type to the CA IDMS Enforcer database in no way establishes that entity type as a data resource component in a CA IDMS data dictionary.A "user-defined entity" must be established following Data Dictionary Definition Language (DDDL) conventions.

 CA IDMS Enforcer Rnn.n ─── Add/Copy Entity Type ──────────────── mm/dd/yy hh:mm  OPTION ===>                                                             ESXAUCE  A - Add a new Entity-Type name  C - Copy an Entity-Type and templates to a new/existing Entity or      copy MULTIPLE Entities  ADD/COPY TO:     Dictionary ==>                                   (Blank for Default Dict)     Node       ==>                                   (Blank for Default Node)     Entity     ==>                                   (Blank for MULTIPLE copies)     Replace    ==> N                                 (Y-Yes, N-No)     If option "A" has been selected, enter the following:        Include/Exclude in Next Generation ==> I      (I-Include, E-Exclude)  COPY FROM:     Dictionary ==>                     ( * for List of all Dictionaries within                                         Node, blank for default Dictionary)     Node       ==>                     ( * for List of all Nodes within                                            Dictionary, blank for default Node)     Entity     ==>                                   (Blank for Entity List)

Exhibit 3.29: Add/Copy Entity Type Screen