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Adding a Dictionary/Node Structure

When a structure is added to CA IDMS Enforcer, all supported entity types for active and passive enforcement are automatically included in that structure. Templates must be defined separately.

To add a structure:

  1. Type A in the OPTION field.
  2. Specify information in the Dictionary and Node fields in the ADD/COPY TO portion of the Add/Copy Enforcement Structure screen to create a unique structure name.
  3. Press the Enter key.

Note: Adding a dictionary/node structure to the CA IDMS Enforcer database in no way establishes a dictionary in the central version where CA IDMS Enforcer is installed.

 CA IDMS Enforcer Rnn.n ── Add/Copy Enforcement Structure ────── mm/dd/yy hh:mm  OPTION ===>                                                             ESXAUCD  A - Add a new Dictionary, Node, and Entities  C - Copy an existing Dictionary/Node to a new or existing structure  ADD/COPY TO:     Specify an existing or new "DICTIONARY" and "NODE" for utility function:        Dictionary ==>                  (Blank for Default Dictionary)        Node       ==>                  (Blank for Default Node)        Replace    ==> N                (Y-Yes, N-No)  COPY FROM:     Specify "DICTIONARY" and "NODE" name for direct COPY:        Dictionary ==>                  ( * for List of all Dictionaries within                                            Node, blank for default Dictionary)        Node       ==>                  ( * for List of all Nodes within                                            Dictionary, blank for default Node

Exhibit 3.27: Add/Copy Enforcement Structure Screen