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Structure Utility Access Screen

The Structure Utility Access screen is used to access CA IDMS Enforcer's utility structure. The names of the last dictionary, node, entity, and template accessed are displayed on the screen.

CA IDMS Enforcer Rnn.n ─── Structure Utility Access ──────────── mm/dd/yy hh:mm  COMMAND ===>                                                            ESXAUAC  Specify "DICTIONARY" and "NODE" name for Entity/Template List:     Dictionary   ==> *                 ( * for List of all Dictionaries within                                            Node, blank for default Dictionary)     Node         ==> *                 ( * for List of all Nodes within                                            Dictionary, blank for default Node)  ENTITY-TYPE NAME:                     (Blank for Entity-Type List)     Entity Type  ==>  TEMPLATE NAME:                        (Blank for Template List)     Template     ==>  * The following line commands will be available when the list is displayed:     S - Select item for more detail in a Dictionary, Entity, or Template List     M - Modify Entity or Template generation options (ie., Include/Exclude            status, Template Search Order and Severity Class codes)     D - Delete Templates, Entities, or an entire Dictionary and Node Structure

Exhibit 3.21: Structure Utility Access Screen