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Dictionary/Node Security List Screen

The Dictionary/Node Security List screen is displayed when you select option 0 at the Standards Enforcement Utility screen.

The structure list presents all dictionary/node combinations contained within the CA IDMS Enforcer database. To modify the security activity numbers shown in the Browse and Update fields:

  1. Type M in the selection field to the left of the dictionary name to position the cursor at the Browse field.
  2. Modify the value displayed (use a numeric value from 0 to 255) in either or both fields.
  3. Press the Enter key.

If the values you enter are valid, the dictionary and node structure is modified and subsequent operations to browse or update the secured structure are compared against your centralized security system. Any user requesting structure access must have access privilege for the browse or update activity resource assigned. For more information on security, see Operations.

Note: This utility in no way establishes security for CA IDMS dictionaries and does not define CA IDMS resources in the centralized security system.

 CA IDMS Enforcer  Rnn.n ─── Dictionary/Node Security ────────── mm/dd/yy hh:mm  COMMAND ===>                                                            ESXASL          DICT       NODE       LAST         LAST     ACTIVITY NUMBERS          NAME       NAME       UPDATED      USER      BROWSE/UPDATE                                mm/dd/yy   UPLOAD       000    000          PROD       NODELD09   mm/dd/yy   UPLOAD       000    000          QAUNIPK               mm/dd/yy   UPLOAD       000    000          TEST                  mm/dd/yy   UPLOAD       000    000          **END**

Exhibit 3.16: Dictionary/Node List Security Screen