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Edit Template Field Value(s) Screen

The Edit Template Field Values screen is used to specify those values that must be included or excluded for the field position and length in a template for the entity occurrence. A field value may not exceed the maximum length of the field.

The following fields echo, as protected literals, the name of the template structure displayed on the Edit Template Format/Fields screen: Dictionary, Node, Entity, Template, Field Identifier, Data Type, Field Number, and Template Bracket Mode status.

 CA IDMS Enforcer Rnn.n ─── Edit Template Field Value(s) ──────── mm/dd/yy hh:mm  COMMAND ===>                                                            ESXAEFV  ENF0088W NO VALUES/VALUE RANGES HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED TO FIELD    DICTIONARY: PROD       NODE: NODELD09 ENTITY: AREA      TEMPLATE: AREA-NAME         FIELD: ssssssss                                  DATA TYPE: ALPHANUMERIC  FIELD NUMBER: 01         TEMPLATE BRACKET MODE: Y  Include/Exclude Field Value(s) for next generation? ==> I (I-include/E-exclude)         FIELD VALUE                               VALUE DESCRIPTION         **END**

Exhibit 3.14: Edit Template Field Value(s) Screen