The Confirm Field Modification screen appears to verify the modification of a template field on the Edit Template Format/Fields screen.
To complete the modification:
To terminate the modification:
After completing or terminating the modification, you return to the Edit Template Format/Fields screen.
CA IDMS Enforcer Rnn.n ─── Confirm Field Modification ────────── mm/dd/yy hh:mm COMMAND ===> ESXAEMC **************************************************************************** ** WARNING: A FIELD has been selected for length/type modification. ** ** ACTION: Field Value Types associated with the indicated FIELD ** ** will be erased and the TEMPLATE adjusted for length by ** ** appending wildcards (*), or by compressing existing "*". ** ** ** ** ENTITY: AREA ** ** TEMPLATE: AREA-NAME ** ** V ** ** FIELD: sssssssstAREA*** ** ** ────+----1----+- ** ** DESC: "s" = The 8 character descriptor of the database ** ** system the area name definition is for. Example: ** ** CUSTOMER-FIL1-AREA ** ** CUSTOMER-FIL2-AREA ** ** CUSTOMER-FIL3-AREA ** ** Where CUSTOMER represents the "s" field designa- ** ** tor portion of the template format. ** ** INSTRUCTIONS: Press "ENTER" key to confirm modify request. ** ** Enter "END" command to cancel modify request. ** ****************************************************************************
Exhibit 3.9: Confirm Field Modification Screen
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