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Management Summary Report

Source program information

The Management Summary Report provides the following information about the source program:

Sample report

This report aids in an overall assessment of the source program's complexity, conformance to standards, and file usage. A sample Management Summary Report appears below:

      PRANDEM2   MANAGEMENT SUMMARY                                             DICTIONARY LOADER        dd mmm yy 1425   PAGE   1       129    TOTAL SOURCE LINES       8      LINES IN IDENTIFICATION DIVISION       6      LINES IN ENVIRONMENT DIVISION       62     LINES IN DATA DIVISION       53     LINES IN PROCEDURE DIVISION       5      (ANS) VIOLATIONS OF BOTH ANS-68 AND ANS-74       0      (A68) VIOLATIONS OF ANS-68 ONLY       2      (A74) VIOLATIONS OF ANS-74 ONLY       0      ($$$) COBOL SOURCE ERRORS       0      (FLO) FLOW ANALYSIS                                                                    OPENED FOR:     RECORD              BLOCK       FILE NAME                      DEVICE                        IN OU IO EX     LENGTH              SIZE       CUSTOMER-FILE                  UT-2400-S-CUSTIN              X               104                 UNBLOCKED       RPTFILE                        UT-S-SYSLST                      X            133                 UNBLOCKED